Natural House Cleaning Products Review

The powers family Started this company they have always been a believer in probiotics and gave them to there family daily they run this company with biotechnology that provides probiotic ingredients for many applications. They tend toward buying natural products they found once they became parents they became even more picky with what they buy. As there babies began to grow and play in the tubs and toilet she relized she needed to change her cleaning products. For mother's that go through with having there kids dunk toys in the toilet or you having to empty your trash indoors we want something powerful that works and want piece of mind that what your buying is safe and non-toxic then this company is for you. All of the products are phosphate/ape-free, eco friendly,,non-toxic and biodegradable. Natural House products are strong enough for commercial cleanup yet safe and gentle for everyone in the family then natural house is for you!! I have used the sinky and the Flushy and the Trashy Spray I have to say I love them all I love how it makes my toilet sparkle and the sinky kinda has a citrus smell to them and the spray does take out the smell in the trash. I highly recommend and because it's safe it's even better.  

1 comment

  1. I love Natural House! I won one of these sets on a giveaway awhile back. We use Trashy for our diaper pail and it works awesome!
