Getting Ready For Summer Giveaway

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Come and join us on this great giveaway
"Getting ready for Summer"
We will have 3 winners, all prizes will be ordered and shipped from

I know I am ready for summer and all the prizes that are here remind me of my summer childhood. I am looking forward to the summer to go out and do stuff with my children. I love summer you have to come enter this great giveaway!!

Prize #1 Any bike up to $150 (kids or adult/Safety accessories not included)

Prize #2 Step2-Touring-Wagon-Functions Value $119 (if not available winner can pick another wagon up to $119)
Prize # 3 Scooter up to $80 (Safety accessories not included)

US Only

June 1 to June 30

All entries are optional

Disclosure:  Mommyyof2babies is not responsible for prize. If you have any questions about this giveaway please send an email to  All entries are optional, if you do any of the tasks with the 10 extra entries, even if you do one entry you can get the extra 10 entries  but if the winner tasks is a tasks you did not complete, a second winner will be chosen. If the winner tasks is the one you did you will be the winner.

NYSavingSpecials is responsible for prize.

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