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I am so excited to tell you about the escapecountdown that we visited a week ago. This was really fun I never been to one so I wasn't sure what to expect but my sister in law and her friends go to them all the time so they were familiar with what was going to happen.
Then at the end we all got a group photo taken in front of the green screen with props it was a great night had so much fun!!
I really have to say how much I enjoyed myself if you have never been to one of these I say everyone should at least go once. It just really fun with all the theme rooms the ones they had were the mad hatter, pirate, jail break, paris, and I think they will be adding more all the time.
I am not sure how most escape rooms are but it would of been really cool if they had a few more rooms before exiting through the final door. I was actually sad when we were done I think my favorite part was getting the clues and trying to figure them out. Another thing that was really neat was if you not getting it you could hold a sign up telling them that you needed help and they would give you more clues.
Here are more photos of the other rooms they had this place was pretty big in the inside but from the outside it looked kinda small it was located inside a strip mall. As you can see here their is 5 rooms total to choose from and the tickets to participate were around $30.00.
So when you first get started you go to your room they lock the door you have so much time to get through the two rooms and escape the last room. Inside the rooms their are clues to help you move along to the next room. So if you need help you can hold up that help sign to the camera and they see it they will give you the clues up on the big tv screen and then you go from there.
Your in a room with about 7 others plus you and you have to work together to try to figure out how to get out of that room.
And the clues could be anywhere and everywhere so you have to pay close attention. And work together as a team.
And for some people it won't be easy and for some it will be. If you ever been to these then you know what your doing. But if not and your a first timer like me it may be a little harder. But it was so fun.
Make sure to check out their site for times and days to come in. They do large groups so if you want to go as couples night or maybe just a birthday party whatever the case may be just know your going to have a lot of fun.

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