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Have you heard of acurite weather station this is a pretty cool product. Especially now since summer is coming and it tends to rain where we live. We have strong storms and it's good to be up to date with all the latest information. So with the acurite weather station it comes in very handy it does take batteries or you can plug it into a wall outlet the batteries are just a backup. It comes with two items the actual weather unit and the piece that needs to go outside all you do is hook it onto a nail so I can read the temperature outside. It also reads the temperature inside and I'm pretty sure the temperature inside is acurate but our thermostat always says something different which I'm thinking something is wrong with that.
So if you are one that likes to know the weather and what is coming up definitely check acurite out. I will leave a link in this post they have other things besides this weather station. We have had it for a few months now and that has been long enough to test and I tell you what it works perfect I love checking this in the morning before our day starts so we know what it's like outside. Do you live in an area where the weather is constantly changing it could be hot one day and rainy and the next or be cold but with the acurite weather station you won't have to guess.
This is really good if you're planning a vacation take along with you plug it in and take that attachment and just put that outside wherever you're at it you will know what the weather is going to be like simple as that. I really do love this and it goes great with any decor in the home!!
This looks neat. My husband would like somethingIke this. Maybe a father's day gift