Disclaimer: I was sent products for free or highly discounted to review for my honest opinion. These products are from a PR agency or a company. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. Your opinions may vary from my opinions. Please allow 8 weeks to receive product. For Giveaway items.
I am so excited to tell you about this new essential oil Tranquility for Anxiety and stress relief I was a little skeptical about this essential oil for anxiety and stress but I have to tell you I really think this works. I did a test trial with it and put a little bit on the inside of my forearm to make sure that I wasn't allergic to anything and everything turned out fine. So then I proceeded The next day to dab a few drops onto my shoulders and my neck area I have to tell you this stuff smells amazing. It is very light and clean smelling almost reminds me of baby powder scent.

I really didn't think much of it when I started using this essential oil but I have to tell you that it kept me calm even when I did feel uptight it still made me feel relaxed. No I don't know if it was just in my head to stay calm and relaxed or if it was the actual oil but I have to say regardless I think this oil has relaxed me a lot. I am really excited to find something natural to take care of this in stead of going on medication which can affect your other organs. I am really cautious about this just because of my mom passing away from cirrhosis of the liver.
I will leave the link below where you can find those on Amazon and purchase make sure to read all the information before purchasing to make sure this is right for you.
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