Mother's Day Gift Guide All in the Cards Review

Disclaimer: I was sent products for free or highly discounted to review for my honest opinion. These products are from a PR agency or a company. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. Your opinions may vary from my opinions. Please allow 8 weeks to receive a product. For Giveaway items.

I want to tell you about All in the Cards they are a shop that sells cards and gift sets for specific Holidays including Birthdays, Valentine's Day, and specifically for Mother's and Father's Day coming up. Well, I wanted to show you the gift set they have for Mother's Day that is super cute they have the bag with the matching card and the matching tissue paper. I think this is perfect to get all your products in one place.  

The ones we received were this beautiful red card with a heart and this matching bag with white and gold stripes and a gold heart with light pink tissue paper and a gold envelope that is so beautiful.

The next gift pack we received was the flower bag with light pink tissue paper, a card that says you are smart, you are amazing, you are inspiring, you are brave, you are loved with an orange envelope that is so beautiful.

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