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From Universal Home Pictures Entertainment, I want to tell you about the movies The space between us which is about two different worlds coming together and finding love and proving that love can be universal. This movie is about a sixteen-year-old boy who is the first human born on mars and has to live with scientists on the red planet.
This is such a good movie I would recommend this for older kids watch this between 12 and 16. He has always wanted to go to Earth to find his long-lost father and ends up meeting a girl named Tulsa.
And then there is a twist and the Doctors tell him his heart can't hold up to earth atmosphere. So he and Tulsa set out on a quest to find his long-lost father and where he came from.
I think this would be a great movie if your daughter's had a sleepover and they were a little older to watch it. This is a great concept on teaching to never give up and something you have to keep trying till you reach it.
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