Let's Talk About Sexual Wellness

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Why don’t we talk about sexual wellness more? Everywhere you look now, there are tons of articles, podcasts, and videos around wellness, with almost none exploring the sex side of things. As humans, we are programmed for sex, and a large part of health relies on this, too.

What is Sexual Wellness?

So, what is sexual wellness? Like general wellbeing, we need to ensure we look after ourselves when it comes to how we act, think, and feel about sex. This includes the sanitary component of sex. But it is bigger than that. Mental health comes into it, too, when we talk about sex, and simple acts can make a big difference. You can feel better about sexual health when you talk about it, get to know yourself, or simply shop bras and sexual wellness products in online stores.

Your Own Sexual Wellbeing

There are four common components to sexual wellness, including sexual wellbeing. This encompasses Understanding yourself when it comes to matters of sex. Knowing what you like and what you are comfortable with is a major part, and sexual exploration is a key to unlocking your preferences. However, it also means staying safe when exploring alone or with partners. Sexual awakening within provides the opportunity to increase awareness and self-esteem.

Sexual Health and Education

The next part of sexual wellness focuses on education about sexual health. Becoming pregnant is a common issue among young girls. A recent survey found that 164 million women and girls don’t have access to contraception. There are varying reasons for this, including cultural sensitivities. But a lack of education around sex, health, and relationships is part of it. Sexual health also includes personal health, birth control and des-stressing by controlling hormones.

Sexual Wellness Includes Pleasure

So when did sex become a bad thing? There must have been some meetings we missed, right? There’s nothing wrong with enjoying yourself in an adult and consensual situation. The whole point of sex being enjoyable is that we do it for the survival of the species! Exploring the enjoyment of sex alone and with your partner(s) allows you to find what is best for you. With this comes an intimate and passionate relationship that enhances your life to new levels of joy.

Support and Justice Around Sex

Sex has always been a complicated thing for most people. Before we even understand ourselves, we can end up in situations we don’t want to be in. Another part of sexual wellness includes addressing those situations. Past sexual trauma can put a strain on future relationships, causing issues that need resolution. Knowing who you are, such as your sexual orientation, also forms a powerful part of sexual wellbeing that must be opened for growth.


There are four components to sexual wellness that will help with relationships, health, and mental wellbeing. These include sexual wellbeing and the things you enjoy. It also includes sexual health and education, learning to enjoy sex in a wholesome way, and sexual support.

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